Monday, November 28, 2011


thoughtfulness is something i find to be severely lacking in our culture. i don't know if it has to do with us always being plugged in to something and literally forgetting the world around us? maybe it has to do with this self-entitlement epidemic that has infected our generation? no matter what, it is a huge gap emerging in the way our culture acts and behaves. 

so i want to say thank you to the complete stranger who tossed some paper towel to me under the bathroom stall as she left because she had used the last of it. a little act. i mean really insignificant. but exactly what our generation needs to re-learn.kindness. caring for someone besides yourself. now it's my turn to pass on the good deed. 


p.s. getting back into school after the break has been a nightmare. i mean only 5 more days of classes! and two more weeks until juries! i'm having a panic attack. so much to get done! so thanksgiving pictures to come...

1 comment:

  1. The other thing I have noticed bizarre about thoughtfulness is that sometimes when I do an out of the ordinary thoughtful thing for someone, they think I want something in return. I've actually had people say, "Why did you do that? Do you want something from me?" Weird. Or if you have the time to do something thoughtful people say, "You must have too much time on your hands." There must be a strange disconnect taking place. Mother Teresa said, "Do kind things anyway."
