Monday, November 14, 2011

a grateful moment

i'm so grateful to be living with my sister. there are countless reasons for this. we are so goofy together. i always have a wingman (or woman, rather). we laugh at all the same things. she is such an inspiration and always pushing me to be better. 
last night, i woke up at 3 a.m. from a horrible horrible voodoo nightmare. i mean really creepy and twisted and it was just awful. even thinking about it gives me the chills. anyway, i was really scared and didn't even dare to turn on the light. then i remembered my sister was in the room. so i did the childish thing of hopping across the room, poking her and asking if i could sleep with her. and she let me. without even being upset. and yes, we did spend the rest of the night sharing a twin size bed. kind of reminds me of our childhood and sharing the bottom bunk bed because we were both too afraid of the top bunk.

sisters are the best. 


1 comment:

  1. Makes me want to break out in song: "Sisters...sisters...There were never such devoted sisters. Lord help the Mister, who comes between me and my sister..." Love you both!
